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Happy New Moon in Scorpio

Revive Womb Awakening


It has taken me up until today to really integrate everything that has happened over the last two weeks…the full moon, a visit to The Morrigans Cave & the sacred sights in Roscommon, the beautiful Samhain Celebration & many rituals to honour my past, my roots, my ancestors & the land I’m so honoured to call my home.

Today I feel ready to release with love any resistance to stepping up even more and following the guidance of my soul.

Today I celebrate everything that I’ve accomplished in the last 12 months. I reflect on all the change that I’ve welcomed & feel the gratitude for where my deep trust is leading me.

Today I honour where I’ve come from, those who walked before me & the land that I’m privileged to call my home.

As I shed the old, today I make room & space to dream, space to allow in inspiration, guidance, abundance & flow. This New Moon in Scorpio gifts us the opportunity to regenerate our bodies. Taking rest & allowing space to be still is pure self-love.

Embrace the darker evenings, even if it’s just 5 mins to light a candle and sit in silence. May this new moon in Scorpio teach us how to open up to change & new approaches that bring us clarity & inspiration. What are you proud of over the past month? What are you celebrating? I’d love to hear & celebrate with you 😁 Today I returned all of the items from nature used during the Samhain rituals & which have been on my alter over the past 4 weeks.

For those who joined me to celebrate Samhain, all of your ancestors leaves were returned to The River Bann today with reverence & gratitude. Thank you for joining me. For in the end, all returns to the earth…and so the Celtic wheel continues to turn & we continue to grow.

Much love, Emer

There is still time to sign up to REVIVE awakening our womb wisdom through movement. We begin next Thursday 11/11 @ 10am Irish Time

Follow me:
Facebook: Emer Quintero
Instagram: @emersoulwisdom


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