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About me

My name is Emer, Priestess, Healer and Light Language Activator.

I am passionate about assisting people to connect with their inner wisdom, their authentic voice and to find the confidence to follow their hearts desires.

I help people to empower themselves by locating their self-limiting beliefs and behavioural patterns that keep them feeling stuck and unsure of how to align with their passion and their purpose.

Since I was a child I’ve been aware that the world around us is only a tiny aspect of what lies beyond. I became fascinated with learning how to navigate between the higher realms whilst staying firmly grounded.

In 2006 I began training in holistic therapies such as Reiki, Massage, Angelic Healing and many more energy therapy modalities. I quickly noticed that despite all my training my intuitive modality of channeling healing frequencies would always override any other method I studied.

In 2018 I had a massive reawakening of my spiritual gifts. I started to channel the Angelic Realms & The Ascended Masters with ease. I began speaking Light Language and soon realised that this powerful tool assisted greatly to quickly release trauma stored in the emotional body. It helps to balance the energetic system and very often clients comment that it awakens something profound within them and that their own spiritual connection deepens.

I offer individual sessions online or in person using angelic healing and light language healing. Please contact me for more details.

Emer Quintero. Priestess, Healer and Light Language Activator
Emer Quintero - Priestess, Healer and Light Language Activator

Facebook: Emer Quintero
Instagram: @emersoulwisdom


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SANCTUARY is an online space where we gather once a month. It is a safe space open to both men & women wishing to either begin or continue working with me.

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Facebook: Emer Quintero
Instagram: @emersoulwisdom


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