Welcome Brid into my home
May you bring comfort if I feel alone,
Welcome Brid into my womb,
May you bring fire to help my dreams bloom
Welcome Brid into my heart,
May I find truth of love known from the start,
Welcome Brid into my mind,
May clarity, & peace be all that I find
In stillness we create space to dream.
With the turn of the Celtic Wheel once more, this time aligning on The New Moon in Aquarius & also with The Chinese New Year welcoming the Tiger, if you can do one thing for yourself today, make time & give yourself the gift of stillness.
From this place, the mind & heart can align to unite with the fire in your belly. From this place new ideas can begin, seeded with gentle care & watered with love. From this place, peace & joy remind you that the troubles of the past & worries of the future have no power over you in the now. From this place truth raises its voice so loudly that anything but is recognised as a distraction.
May you find stillness today & may The Goddess Brigid & St. Brigid bless you & bring you one step closer to finding inner union within.
My young daughter asked me last night as I read my kids a story of St. Brigid:
‘Is St. Brigid the same as the Goddess Brigid?’
I answered ‘Yes, & no’. (To which she rolled her eyes).
To me, I see Brigid as an embodiment of the Divine Feminine, The Triple Goddess & also a stream of consciousness. Many women throughout history have embodied this frequency, just like many women have embodied the title ‘Mary’. In fact, Brigid is known as ‘Mary of the Gael’ or Mary of the Celts. The title ‘Brigid, or Bríd’ means ‘exalted one’.
St. Brigid is one lady who indeed embodied the frequency of ‘Mary of the Gael’.
Although she was aligned with the Christian Faith many of the Old Celtic Traditions were adapted & have survived to this day.
Once such tradition was weaving the St. Brigids Cross originally out of reeds. When turned at an angle you will see that the diamond shape creates a cross. This symbol that we now associate with Christ Consciousness was important to the Irish because it represented the 4 seasons, the 4 provinces in Ireland, the 4 directions & the 4 elements. The centre of the cross is almost like the belly button, and everything stems from there. This middle point represents Spirit.
Brigid is now in her maiden Phase here in the Northern Hemisphere. She’s awoken from her slumber, she’s full of youthful promise as she heralds in the sun. This time is so potent to make way for change & new growth. Dream big everyone & may the coming months see your seeds come to fruition.
Much Love,
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Email: info@emerquintero.com